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Shengjing Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University

2019-08-21 09:42:14 264

Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University is a large-scale comprehensive modern digital university affiliated hospital. At present, the hospital has three districts and an education research and development base, covering a total area of 984,200 square meters, with a total building area of 855,400 square meters. Nanhu, gliding and Shenbei are all located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, with a total floor area of 69.95 million square meters. Shengjing Hospital Medical Research and Education Development Base is located in the "Chinese Pharmaceutical Capital" of Benxi High-tech Zone, Liaoning Province, with a total floor area of 158,800 square meters. In 2014, "Shengjing Hospital SHENGJING HOSPITAL" successfully applied for "China's Famous Trademark", and Shengjing Hospital became the first comprehensive hospital with China's Famous Trademark in China.

静海县| 潜山县| 弥渡县| 定陶县| 白玉县| 商水县| 潞城市| 赤水市| 永定县| 泾川县| 梅州市| 保德县| 宁明县| 秦皇岛市| 沐川县| 黑龙江省| 崇州市| 怀仁县| 文登市| 大邑县| 西盟| 长乐市| 壤塘县| 拜城县| 霍邱县| 阳西县| 南郑县| 新乐市| 福安市| 灵宝市| 云梦县| 贞丰县| 同仁县| 青龙| 库伦旗| 长宁区| 潜山县| 莒南县| 双牌县| 吉安市| 宝应县|